Thursday, 3 October 2013


When a bird is alive…………………….it eats ants
When the bird dead…………………….ants eat the bird!
Time & circumstances can change at any time……….
So be good and do good………..

Mother’s love

Mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. Mother’s love is like nothing else in the world. No love is greater than Mother’s love. The most beautiful necklace a mother can wear is not gold or gems, but her child’s arms around her neck. A Mother arms are more comforting her child’s than anyone else .Mother is the name for GOD, in the lips and hearts of little children. God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.  Mother’s infinite love is always great.......!!!!!!!!

4 things

The greatest challenge in life discovering 4 things. These things says

MONEY SAYS   : Earn me, forget everything.
TIME SAYS      : Follow me, forget everything.
FUTURE SAYS  : Struggle for me, forget everything.
GOD SAYS      : Just remember me, I’ll give you everything..!!


To love without condition,

to talk without intention, 

to give without reason and 

to care without expectation.... 

This is the art of true relationship!!!!

Prepare for the Difficult

Prepare for the Difficult while it is still easy.
Deal with the big while it is still small.

Difficult undertakings have always started with what's easy.

Great undertakings always started with what is small.

Therefore the sage never strives for the great,

And thereby the great is achieved.